Andrew’s BIOL63162 Workshops¶
This website contains the material I teach on the BIOL63162 Scientific Programming, Computational Tools, and Machine Learning unit.
Each of the sessions is intended to run as a ~2 hour workshop. Each contains a mix of recorded videos, written material, and some challenges for you to work on.
The workshops can be found via the index on the left under the ‘Content’ heading. We’ll be covering the following topics across 5 workshops:
Using Conda to manage your Python libraries and create reproducible Python environments.
Programming in Python using Jupyter Notebooks.
Data analysis using the NumPy and pandas libraries.
Using git and GitHub for version control and collaborative working.
Making your analyses reproducible using Docker and Dockerhub.
There is also a bonus workshop with some examples of using Python in other ways to automate particular (often boring!) tasks.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email at or send me a DM on Twitter.
This website was built using Jupyter Book and was very much inspired by the UBC Jupyter Days Book course material.